Trends and Innovations in Corporate Video

At Perpetua, we’re passionate about bringing your vision and goals to life through the lens of our cameras. Across our 16 years in the industry, things have changed considerably and so we thought we’d highlight some of the trends we’re noticing currently in the industry. Here are some ways that have been hitting the mark with viewers;

Authenticity is Key: In a world saturated with content, authenticity reigns supreme. Viewers crave genuine connections and meaningful storytelling. Corporate videos that showcase the human side of a brand, feature real employees and convey genuine emotions resonate more deeply with audiences. Companies are recognizing the importance of highlighting their employees in corporate videos and showcasing employee profiles, team-building activities, internal events and the human side of the organization.

This is reflected also in the look and feel of videos. In contrast to complex visual effects and elaborate productions, minimalist and simplistic videography styles are gaining popularity. Clean compositions, subtle movements and natural lighting techniques help create that authentic feel.

High-Quality Production Values: Authenticity is important, but that doesn’t mean compromising on quality, as video is a direct reflection of your corporate identity. Video needs to show your organisation in the best light and prioritise high-quality production values. Creative scriptwriting, professional cinematography, crisp audio and polished editing techniques create visually stunning videos that capture the attention of viewers and reinforce your brand’s credibility and professionalism.

Short and Snappy: With the rise of social media and mobile consumption, shorter-form videos are gaining traction. Companies are embracing the art of concise storytelling, delivering impactful messages in bite-sized formats that captivate audiences in seconds. There’s still a place for long-form video, especially if there’s an in-depth story to develop, a training module to deliver in video or a product to properly explain. But corporates are adding short-form video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels into their content plan particularly if they’re trying to hit a younger demographic.

Live Streaming and Virtual Events: In an era of remote working and digital connectivity, live streaming and virtual events have become indispensable tools for corporate communication. From full day conferences to product launches, live video enables real-time engagement and fosters a sense of community across virtual spaces. With the rise of platforms like Twitch, YouTube Live, and Facebook Live, live streaming is becoming more prevalent. Additionally, interactive content such as polls and live Q&A sessions are being integrated into these online events to increase viewer engagement. At Perpetua, this is something we incorporate often into live streamed events with platforms such as Slido.

Virtual and Augmented Reality: VR and AR technology offers corporates a versatile and impactful medium for communication, training, marketing, and brand building. By leveraging the immersive capabilities of VR technology, corporates can create memorable experiences, drive engagement, and achieve their business objectives in innovative ways. Virtual product demos, augmented reality brand experiences, immersive training experiences and virtual tours can all enable brands to stand out from their competition.

Drone Videography: The use of drones for capturing aerial footage and photos has become increasingly popular. Drones offer a unique perspective and are a great way to showcase your project and add production value to your videos. As the technology here has developed too, it’s become much more accessible to have awesome aerial photography or videography enhance your marketing. It’s a distinct skill that requires experience though, and at Perpetua, our qualified drone operators know how to get beautiful and engaging shots to elevate your content, and make sure that all the correct authorisations are in place.

At Perpetua, we’re committed to keeping your brand fresh and your audiences thirsty for more. And staying across what’s new and what we can bring to your project to make it exciting, innovative and ahead of the curve is all part of the service.

Until next time, keep creating, keep innovating and keep inspiring!